Review: one fish two fish red fish....
Type: Web application editor
This is a really small, fast text editor for web applicaitons that very customizable. It uses the GTK (GIMP (GNU (GNU's Not Unix) Image Munipulation Program) Tool Kit) widget set, and I always hated it. But all that aside, this is a fun little editor for quick CSS, Javascript and HTML edits. When you don't want to load Eclipse and loose 300 megs of ram. This editor is hosted by OpenOffice for some reason, perhaps it's funded by them. I got on this kick while checking out my one of my old favorite projects:OpenCD which is basically a cd you can download featuring really cool, essential free applications. Free as in beer? not as in shareware. This is not to be confused with boot cd's that help you when your system is fried like Ultimate Boot CD and BartPE.
This is a really small, fast text editor for web applicaitons that very customizable. It uses the GTK (GIMP (GNU (GNU's Not Unix) Image Munipulation Program) Tool Kit) widget set, and I always hated it. But all that aside, this is a fun little editor for quick CSS, Javascript and HTML edits. When you don't want to load Eclipse and loose 300 megs of ram. This editor is hosted by OpenOffice for some reason, perhaps it's funded by them. I got on this kick while checking out my one of my old favorite projects:OpenCD which is basically a cd you can download featuring really cool, essential free applications. Free as in beer? not as in shareware. This is not to be confused with boot cd's that help you when your system is fried like Ultimate Boot CD and BartPE.