The Business Crew |
Today was a culmination (Culmination!) of many years of dicking around at SBCC and Cuesta (Cuesta!). Anyways, I worked my ass off at SFSU and completed school in 5 semesters. AKA 4 regular and 1 summer. So we started off at 8, I made pancakes for everyone and then we headed off to school at 11:30. I lined up with my ISYS pals and met up with my father briefly for a photo op. Then all 7,832 of us, from 117 countries, filed into Cox stadium and sat and baked in the sun for 3 hours.It was a good ceremony, and the speakers were great, basically telling us to get a job no matter what. But I already have a great career so I felt bad for everyone near me. We ended at 3:15 and headed out, made a stop at the Bart stationt, then Evan went home to SoCal. We then went to the park north of us for Meghan's family gathering for champange and Tri-Tip!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got home at 8:45, rested then went back to
Yancy's. That was about all we could take in one night. Now it's time to sleep and dream of the future which officially has become today.
Thanks to my family for supporting me through the years.
Thanks to my friends who kept me going through rough times.
Thanks to my newts and salamanders who remind me anyone can survive.
Thanks to everyone else who have touched my life.
Thanks to Lydia, you're still the best! 8)