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Erik The Half a Bee

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I am a part time nerd, part time chef and full time whiner. Did I type whiner? I meant winner...no wait, I whine a lot. I've worked in High Tech and Television and a few places in between. I've eaten fire roasted snakes and hand fulls of peeps (not in the same sitting of course). I'd like to share my experiences, so read on.

Reality: The push for Acceptance, Redemption and Self Realization

When someone is never tested, never pushed or prodded. How do they evolve? Natural selection weeds out the feeble and sickly, rewards the innovative and adaptive. We struggle in life and that makes us stronger. This may be a cliche, but as most cliche's, if taken literally, you can dissolve them. But if you take the idea and wrap it around a more personal one, you will find truths. That which hurts us, make us stronger. Take my lithops for example. Here is a plant that survives in the African Desert. It sees no food or water for around 6 months a year. Yet the plant survives and blossoms with beautiful flowers. It's developed armor to survive and be happy. People are like this, they need to grow armor. We can't do this without risks, and leaps and will power. Some people are afraid of what could happen after the leap, but you will always be asking yourself, what if. And don't think that armor equates to indifference. You can seperate yuor personality from your power.

This topic is at hand because our good friend, Jose Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Guzman is going on his first vision quest. He's taking a trip up the coast on a bike. With a sleeping bag. and some food and money. He won't be back until he's found what he's looking for. He'll be gone for weeks. Does this concept frighten you? Does the thought of being alone make you nervous? Do you bite your nails when you think about giving up everything? Maybe you should re-evaluate what you hold dear if you fear thoughts such as this.

In a non-related topic. I wanted to quote a famous philosopher, Morcheeba, for no apparent reason: "But it's not always that clear. Fear can stop your love, but love can stop your fear."

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  • Blogger Roger L. Sieloff says so:
    7:43 PM  

    Ordinary folks just don't understand nature, but I blame Walt Disney mostly. Tapeworms are much more evolved than their hosts, "evolved" meaning "modified from an ancestral form". People don't (want to) understand that evolution is progress with absolutly no direction. Tapeworms became sophisticated in terms of being able to evade their host's immune system. When this happened, they were able to dispence with their guts - tapeworms have no intestines. Their host is their intestine. This left them free to developed what they needed most - reproductive organs. A blind, knobby head with several hook studded suckers anchors the worm while its host feeds an ever multiplying series of cloned body segments totally devoted to sexual reproduction.

    To some, enlightenment consists of a journey outside themselves but the illusion is uncovered to those who attain their goal. All the answers are inside you and not at all what you thought they were. They are just as ellegant and spohisticated as you imagined, however. top