Reality: Labor Day Weekend

So, here's a new post. From me. To you. Yay. I finally got a little break from life in a cube. Me and the misses took a trip up to Napa to hang out and enjoy the sights. We then took a trip up north to Clear Lake. Which was definitely a lake, but was far from clear... Got a chance to get some fishing in and take in more sun than a 1/4 irish, 1/4 danish boy should take. Few things I'd like to point out. There is jack and shit up north of Santa Rosa. It's truely a blasted land. All rock and Oak. But of course, we find a way to make rich people come out to it somehow. I saw 3 casinos and 30000 Wineries. It was an endless amount of nice shirts and nice cars. Zipping up and down the small country roads. It was a beautiful area. Clearlake and the surround towns are what I would call "Beat ass towns". All summer homes or people who can't afford to live anyhere else and get real jobs. It was sitll nice to get away for a few days. I felt kinda yuppy. Anyways, I took some photos and will post them. I think my photo gallery will be back up and running this month. Let's hope!
On a side note, Some idiot hit my car while it was parked on 10th Ave and Clement on Friday between 7pm and Saturday at 11am. It was a red car and did not leave a note. Thank you for fucking up my brand new car. You fucking DICK! Yeah.....rock lobster.