I think playing with the concept of the tostada can lead to really cool dishes that are as healthy as they are beautiful. This salada is on a backed wheat tortilla, a little backed cheese, black beans, heirloom tomatoes, salad and cilantro. I capped with lemon juice and avocado. I threw in some chicken that i sautee'd with a sprinkle of paprika and chili powder. So that's all lovely and delicious. This also a word of caution. Never cool with jalapenos or any other spicy chili without gloves. I got some of the oil on my hands and they felt like they were on fire for a day. The entire night and morning I wanted to run them under ice water. Well You live and learn and then you buy some gloves. Things I wish I had in this dish, a roasted red pepper vinaigrette or some sort of dressing based on a pepper.
Labels: food, Mexican