First I'm going to discuss something very near and dear to my heart. It's a fruit that most Americans don't know about. Mainly because it grows on a weed like cactus in Vietnam and it's squishy like a kiwi so transporting it is difficult. For years now, I could not locate a Dragon Fruit to save my life. I saw some random drinks made from it. For a long while I grew it in my window sill, yearning for the year to come when it could bear fruit. Alas, I over watered it or something and it died as many cactus do. So, my dream, after years of botany, were dashed upon the rocks of failure like many an explorer in times past. So, to my amusement, whilst searching for cauliflower in the vegetable isle at Safeway, but what do I see? Why, it is the purple white whale I sought for half a decade! Not a questions was asked, so I bought it, took it home and gazed at the wonder that is the white Dragon fruit. There is a red version, which is pretty much the same, but has a red inner fruit. So I sliced it up and it tasted like crap. Flavorless, strange texture. It is about one of the worst fruits I've ever had. I've had some really bland pears and what not. But this was pretty bad. The seeds were ok, but I don't advise anyone to take up this fruit. I mean it comes from a cactus. There is a reason you don't see prickly pears all over all the fruit aisle, because they are only good as a jelly. So to you Dragon fruit. I say FAIL.

On a lighter note, my new
Detektivbyrån CD, Wermland, arrived all goldy goodness with signatures! I will be taking it in this evening to see what the accordion and xylophone wunderkinds have done. This cd is pretty much the most gold I've ever seen in one place. BLORNG BLORNG (That's swedish for BLING). You can get some more information about the band from
Last.Fm or from the
MySpace page directly. Long story short, they are a post-rock band? nope...not another Sigur Ros I assure you. Basically, it is three guys who know how to play xylophone, accordion and also has some keyboard music in there to. If i were put some META DATA on the music I would use words like, soft, ethereal, fun, uplifting, happy. It's all without vocals so you can really just focus on the talent of these guys. It's really not revolutionary, but it's something that needed to be done. This music will just make you happy. Period. Since I'm a geek, here is the unboxing pictures. YAY LIMITED ADITTIONDASDASD!!!

Labels: Detektivbyrån, music, sweden, Wermland