The Baconing.
10:07 AM I made a massive bacon sammich today
with like 20 pieces
and now i want to redo all the old famous books
with bacon
I, Bacon
Foundation and Bacon
Baconriders of Pern
The Wheel of Bacon
Ender's Bacon
War and Bacon
Bacon and Peace
A Midsummer's Night Bacon
Red Badge of Bacon
The Bacon of Wrath
A Tale of Two Bacons
Baconheit 451
Gulliver's Bacon
The Baconbury Tales
with like 20 pieces
and now i want to redo all the old famous books
with bacon
I, Bacon
Foundation and Bacon
Baconriders of Pern
The Wheel of Bacon
Ender's Bacon
War and Bacon
Bacon and Peace
A Midsummer's Night Bacon
Red Badge of Bacon
The Bacon of Wrath
A Tale of Two Bacons
Baconheit 451
Gulliver's Bacon
The Baconbury Tales